Group Therapy

Healing Naturally, Living Fully: Experience therapy that goes beyond talking to include meditation, sound healing, and mindfulness. Find your center with the tools that nature provides.

Teen Group Therapy

teen group therapy

Ages: 13 – 18 

Topics will include: 

     – Use of Psychology to Unlock Sustainable Change

     – Health and Lifestyle Goal Setting

     – Body Positivity

     – Impulse Control

     – Healthy Eating

     – Mind and Body Integration

Young Adult Group Therapy

young adult group therapy

Ages: 19 – 25 

Topics will include: 

     – Self-Care

     – Stress Management

     – Depression

     – Family Dynamics

     – Self-Esteem

     – Suicidal Ideation

     – Goal Setting

     – Relationships

Women’s Telehealth Group

women's group therapy

Ages: 25 and Above
When: Every Tuesday, 6PM EST

Topics will include: 

     – Use of Psychology to Unlock Sustainable Change

     – Health and Lifestyle Goal Setting

     – Body Positivity

     – Impulse Control

     – Healthy Eating

     – Mind and Body Integration

Mindfulness Group

mindfulness group therapy

Ages: All Ages

Topics will include: 

     – Sound Healing and Meditation

     – Emotionally-Focused Tapping

     – Quantum Reiki Healing

Corporate Group Therapy Sessions

corporate group therapy

Research shows that workplace burnout is at an all-time high.

This space would allow your employees to:

• Find a sense of balance in the workplace
• Communicate difficulties, such as current events, in an open
and safe space
• Understand the brain-body relationship and its impact on mental health
and wellbeing
• Practice mindfulness training and negative thought replacements
• Decompress by use of meditation and other evidence based tools that
promote restoration and relaxation
• feel relieved, renewed, and valued

* These sessions can be scheduled weekly, biweekly or monthly
depending on your workplace needs.


The Cass Center for Psychological and Holistic Well-being Short Hills, NJ 07078


